Welcome to DriveHQ Online Help

DriveHQ is a leading Cloud IT Service provider based in Silicon Valley. Our services include: Cloud File Server, Drive Mapping, Online Backup, File Sharing and FTP/Email/Web Hosting. These services are bundled for a very low price. DriveHQ's cloud service can replace your in-house servers.

DriveHQ also offers Cloud Surveillance Service and Team Anywhere (Remote Desktop) Service.

DriveHQ Cloud IT Service main features

DriveHQ Cloud Services / Features:

Cloud File Server & Drive Mapping

  • - Works just like your local file server & local drive.
  • - More reliable and efficient than other cloud drives.
  • - Fine granular access control.

Automatic File/Email Backup and Folder Synchronization

  • - Advanced Cloud Backup software.
  • - Back up PCs, Servers and MACs; back up regular files, emails, database files and virtual disks.
  • - Synchronize any local folders with any cloud folders; sync multiple folders with multiple sync tasks.
  • - One-way and two-way sync tasks; set sync schedules; filter certain files and subfolders.

Group File Sharing with Granular Access Control

  • - Share multiple folders to different users/subgroups with different permissions.
  • - Share one folder to multiple users/subgroups with different permissions.
  • - Group users into subgroups and contact groups.

Group Account Service for Businesses

  • - Create subusers with different user roles: group administrator, subgroup administrator, regular member, guest user.
  • - Assign subusers into different subgroups (or contact groups).
  • - Allocate storage space to subusers and set group security options.
  • - Customize the website logo and landing page.

FTP Server Hosting

  • - One of the largest FTP server hosting service providers.
  • - Supports FTP,SFTP and FTPS (FTPES or FTP over SSL).
  • - Works with any FTP client.
  • - Seamlessly integrated with DriveHQ's Cloud IT service.

Website Hosting & Folder/File Publishing

  • - Must be a True or Paid Account to publish.
  • - To publish a folder, just select a folder and click Publish.
  • - A published folder (and files) in it can be linked statically.
  • - A published website is accessible at: https://USERNAME.firstcloudit.com/

Business Email Hosting with SMTP/POP3/IMAP/Webmail

  • - Designed for business email hosting (not for free email service).
  • - Custom domain business email server hosting.
  • - Supports all email client software, mobile devices and webmail.
  • - Supports email alias, auto reply, auto forward, mailing list and spam filter.

True Drop Box Folder: Enabling Anybody to Upload Files to You Securely

  • - Create/edit a folder and make it a Drop Box folder.
  • - Publish or email the Drop Box URL.
  • - Anybody can upload files to you by visiting the Drop Box URL without the hassle of login or sign-up.