Optimized Photo and Video Features

DriveHQ website offers optimized photo and video viewing features. You can preview photo albums, play slideshows, rotate images, adjust image brightness and contrast, and even apply some special effects. Please see the screenshots below.

Select "Thumbnail View" to View Image Thumbnails

Hover mouse on top of a thumbnail to display the file/photo options. You can hide the folder tree to increase the viewing space.

Click a thumbnail to preview an image; click Next / Prev to navigate the images in the album; click "Show Original" to change the view type.

Click "Slide" to play all images in the slideshow mode. You can change the play speed and image size. You can also play the slideshow in full screen mode.

From the preview image screen, you can rotate an image, adjust its brightness and contrast, and even apply some special effects.

DriveHQ is also a great platform for hosting large image and video files. You can use our Folder Publishing or Web Hosting service to create static links to your images or videos. You can then link them from other web pages (e.g. an auction website such as eBay or a photographer's website).

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  • (800)836-0199     (925)396-5819
  • support@drivehq.com