Introduction to the website

DriveHQ services can be accessed with a web browser, DriveHQ client software or any FTP / email client software. For one-time users, DriveHQ website offers a convenient way to access almost all services and features without installing DriveHQ client software. For long-term users, or for certain features such as Drive Mapping, Folder Synchronization, Online File/Email Backup, Upload/Download Very Large Files/Folders, Data Encryption via Encrypted Folder, etc., DriveHQ client software is strongly recommended. Website Start Menu

Most of DriveHQ features can be accessed from the "DriveHQ Start Menu". Hover the mouse on top of DriveHQ Logo, it will display the start menu as shown below:

DriveHQ Website Main Features: (no client software required)

  • Online Storage
    • Upload / download / access / manage files;
    • Batch file upload and zip download; drag and drop online files / folders;
    • Advanced options such as detail view, thumbnail view; file version history, file preview in web browser and direct editing remote MS office files using MS office applications.
  • Online Folder / File Sharing
    • Share a folder / file to other users using email addresses or DriveHQ usernames and set an access level;
    • Share a folder to different users with different levels of access rights;
    • Access a shared folder by clicking on the link sent from the "Share Notification" email; or access a shared folder by logging on DriveHQ and visit the "DriveHQ Share" folder, which contains all folders shared to you.
  • Online Folder / File Publishing
    • Publish a folder / file and create static URLs / Publish URLs that can be directly linked from other websites / web pages, such as eBay, Facebook, etc.
  • Static Website Hosting
    • Upload static website files to the wwwhome folder. Your website can be accessed at:
  • DriveHQ webmail feature
    • Host private domain business emails on DriveHQ. Emails can be accessed via SMTP / POP3 / IMAP and webmail;
    • Manage online address books. Can create group accounts and group shared address books.
  • Drag and drop support without installing any client software
    • Using Windows Explorer, just enter:
  • Group Account Administration
    • Upgrade to group account service for free;
    • Order more user licenses and storage space;
    • Create / add / edit / logon as / delete / disable sub-users; 4 types of sub-users are supported:
      • Group Administrators;
      • Sub-group administrators;
      • Regular group members;
      • Guest users.
    • Allocate (divide) storage space and download bytes among group members;
    • Create folders and then share different folders to different users / groups with different levels of access rights; share the same folder to different users / groups with different levels of access rights.