Get Started with DriveHQ Business Email Hosting Service

  1. Sign up an account on
  2. Access DriveHQ email service via the webmail
  3. Set Email Options
  4. How to configure DriveHQ email account for Microsoft Outlook 2016 / Office 365?
  5. How to configure DriveHQ email account for older version Microsoft Outlook?
  6. How to configure DriveHQ email account for Outlook Express?
  7. How to configure DriveHQ email account for Foxmail?
  8. How to configure DriveHQ email account for Eudora?
  9. How to configure DriveHQ email account for Lotus Notes?

Sign up an account on

When you register a new account on (and order a service plan), you automatically receive an email account. The email address is You can upgrade your account to a group account; then you can create sub email accounts. Company private domain email address is also supported.

To login to the webmail interface, please use the following address:

Access DriveHQ email hosting service

You can use either the webmail interface or an email client.

To use the webmail, launch your web browser and log on to website, click Webmail from the DriveHQ Start Menu, you can then access DriveHQ's email hosting service.

With our support for SMTP/POP3/IMAP4, you can use any email client software to access your emails. If you need help configuring your email client, please visit the step-by-step guide for configuring Microsoft Outlook

How to send emails?

You can easily compose and send emails via the DriveHQ webmail. Just log on to your account and go to the webmail page, click New and then select "Mail", you will be able to start writing your new email.

Set Email Options

Log on to website, from the DriveHQ Start Menu, click "Webmail", then click "Email Options", it will display the email options as shown below:

DriveHQ email hosting service - Email Options

Note: Free service users cannot use our email hosting service.

Paid members can access the following features:

(1) Company domain email addresses for your group account.
(2) Email auto forward: Automatically forward your new emails to another email address.
(3) Email auto reply: You can edit auto reply email template.
(4) Email alias: Email alias is another email address for your email account.
(5) Email mailing list: When an email is sent to a mailing list, it will be sent to all email addresses in the mailing list. This feature is available to group admin users and standalone users. (6) Email signature: It will be automatically appended to your new emails.
(7) Safe and blocked senders: You can black list or white list some email addresses.
(8) Bulk control: You can control how spam emails are filtered.
(9) Email rules: You can set email processing rules.

How to configure email clients on computers and mobile devices?

If you use an email client (or mobile device), such as Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, please use the following email server settings:

In general, we recommend using SSL/TLS for better security:
- Incoming server:; Port: 993; Encryption method: SSL/TLS
- Outgoing server:; Port: 465; Encryption method: SSL/TLS
- Outgoing server:; Port: 995; Encryption method: SSL/TLS

If somehow your email client or your network cannot support SSL/TLS, you can use the plain IMAP/SMTP/POP protocol. The Plain SMTP port number is 25, the plain IMAP port is 143, and the plain POP port number is 110. Note: SMTP authentication is required for sending emails via our service. (i.e. All outgoing emails require authentication.)

Learn how to configure your email client to work with DriveHQ's email hosting service:

How to configure Microsoft Outlook Express with DriveHQ Email Hosting service?

1. Lanuch Outlook Express, in the Tools menu, click Accounts.

2. In the Internet Accounts dailog box, click Add, then select Mail to open the Internet Connection Wizard. Enter your Display name:

3. Enter your email address, which is

4. Click Next , then enter E-mail Server Names . Both POP3 and SMTP servers are .

5. Click Next button, it goes to the Inernet Mail Logon screen. Enter your DriveHQ username and password in the required boxes. If you select Remember password option, you do not need to enter your account info again the next time you lanuch Outlook Express.

6. Click Next button, you are almost done configuring your DriveHQ email. Click Finish to finish the wizard.

7. DriveHQ outgoing server requires authentication, so you must configure the outgoing server. Firstly, in Tool menu, click Accounts . In Internet Accounts page, click Mail tab, then click Properties button, shown as bellow:

Click Servers tab, check Outgoing Mail Server , select My Server requires authentication . Click OK and close the dialog. You are ready to use DriveHQ email.

How to configure older version Microsoft Outlook with DriveHQ Email service?

You can configure Outlook with DriveHQ Email service by the following steps:

1. Lanuch Outlook, in the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts.

2. In the E-mail Accounts dailog box, select Add a new email account, then click Next button,

3. In the Server Type page, select POP3 or IMAP, then click Next button, it goes to the Internet E-mail Settings screen:

If you need to access your emails from multiple devices/computers, then IMAP is strongly recommended. IMAP will keep emails and mailboxes on the server. It will use more email storage space in the cloud. If you want to download the emails and remove them from the cloud, then select POP3. Note you can also use POP3 and keep the emails on the server.

4. Enter all required information in the requird boxes. Firstly, enter your name and E-mail address, which is in User Information boxes. Then enter your user name and password in Logon Information boxes. If you seclect Remember password option, you do not need to enter your account info again the next time you lanuch Outlook. At last, please pay attention to Server Information boxes. Enter the POP3/IMAP4 server and SMTP server that provided by, both POP3/IMAP4 and SMTP servers are .

5. Click Next button, you are almost done configuring your DriveHQ email. Click Finish button to finish the configuration process.

6. DriveHQ email server requires authentication for sending emails. You must configure the SMTP (outgoing) server settings. In the Tools menu, click E-mail Accounts, then click Next button to open the Internet E-mail Settings page. In this page, click More Settings button, click the "Outgoing Server" tab, and seclect "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" as shown below. Click OK and close the dialog. You are ready to use DriveHQ email service.

How to configure Foxmail to support DriveHQ Email?

You can configure Foxmail to support DriveHQ Email by the following steps:

1. Lanuch Foxmail, in the Accounts menu, click New, you will see the Accounts Wizard dailog box, click on Next.

2. In the Accounts Wizard dailog box, enter all required information in the requird boxes. Firstly, enter your name and E-mail address, which is in User Information boxes.

3.Then enter your user name and password in Account Information boxes. At last, please pay attention to Server Information boxes. Enter the POP3 server and SMTP server that provided by, both POP3 and SMTP servers are .

4.Click Next button, you are almost done configuring your DriveHQ email.

Now check SMTP server needs authentication . Please do not use secure authentication as we do not support this method.

If you want the messages to be kept on the server, check Leave a copy of messages in server.

You are ready to use DriveHQ email. Click Finish button to finish the configuration process.

How to configure Eudora with DriveHQ email service?

Below is the step-by-step guide on how to configure your Eudora email client to work with your DriveHQ email service:

Open Eudora and go to the Tools menu. Select Personalities.

Right-click on the newly opened sub window, and choose New. Choose Create a brand new email account. In the Accounts Wizard dailog box, enter all required information in the requird boxes. Firstly, enter your name and E-mail address, which is in Email Address boxes. Shwon as below:

Incoming Server - Server type is POP or IMAP

Outgoing mail server (SMTP server):

Please select the Allow authentication option.

Now right-click on the newly created account and choose Properties .

How to configure Lotus Notes with DriveHQ email service?

You can configure Lotus Notes with DriveHQ Email service as follows:

Lanuch Lotus Notes, lchoose File - Preferences - Client Reconfiguration Wizard. Select Internet mail servers, then click on Next.

Enter all required information in the requird boxes. Firstly, enter your DriveHQ E-mail address, which is Then enter Drivehq domain: .

Enter the POP3 server that provided by

Then enter your Drivehq user name and password in Account Information boxes.

Enter the SMTP server that provided by You are ready to use DriveHQ email. Click Next button to finish the configuration process.