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DriveHQ Co-branded / White-Label Reseller Platform FAQ

Q. What is DriveHQ Co-Branded / White-Label Reseller Platform?

DriveHQ Co-Branded / White-Label Reseller Platform is designed for companies that plan to offer Cloud Storage and Cloud IT Services. It is very powerful, flexible and sophisticated, yet also very simple and has a very low cost to start.

Using DriveHQ Reseller Platform, you can quickly launch a co-branded / white-label Cloud Storage and Cloud IT service. The service can include all powerful DriveHQ service features and client software, or you can hide some service features / software. The co-branded / white-label service will run on the same facility and use almost identical systems and technologies. You don't need to invest in any hardware, software, datacenter / hosting service; you also don't need to hire a software and network team. The cost saving is dramatic. Plus, you don't need to worry about the quality of your products and services. DriveHQ products and services have been well proven by million customers. Finally, you don't need to wait for your product development. Using DriveHQ reseller platform, you can launch your service almost immediately unless you need a lot of customization.

Q. If I become a DriveHQ reseller, I will offer the same Cloud services. Won't DriveHQ compete with me?

No, DriveHQ doesn't compete with resellers. In fact, that's why we are partners, not competitors. The cloud service is projected to grow very fast. There are a lot of cloud service providers. If you enter this market, you will have many competitors. You can either develop all technologies and launch the service by yourself, this way, you will compete with all other cloud service providers; or you can partner with DriveHQ. DriveHQ has all the best technologies and infrastructure ready. We can help you launch the service immediately and at an extremely low cost. Combining DriveHQ's top quality services with your user base / marketing channels, both companies will benefit.

It is possible that a Reseller's service might overlap with DriveHQ's. In this case, the reseller can set his service price the same or even lower than DriveHQ's. This way, the reseller's service will be more or equally competitive than DriveHQ's.

If a reseller focuses on a few countries, regions, languages (other than USA and English) or any specific vertical markets, then he will have no competition with DriveHQ at all.

Q. How to become a DriveHQ Co-Branded / White-Label reseller?

It is very easy to become a DriveHQ co-branded / white-label reseller.
  1. Log on website with your DriveHQ Account. (Sign up a new account if you have not done so yet).
  2. Click on My Account tab, then click on "Become a Reseller" link in the left-hand side.
  3. In the Sign up Reseller Plan page, select a reseller plan and a website template. You can click on the live demo link to preview your reseller website.
  4. Select a payment method and make the order.

After you have successfully finished the transaction, the system will proceed to automatically create your reseller website.

Q. What is the percentage of my revenue share / sales commission?

As a reseller, you get a discount price from DriveHQ, which you can resell to your customers at your own price. Your revenue share (or commission rate) is the same as the discount rate, assuming you use the same DriveHQ service price. Dependent on your target market, you can set your price higher or lower than DriveHQ service price. If your price is higher, then you have a higher gross margin; if you set your price lower than DriveHQ, then you might be able to attract more users.

Dependent on your projected sales volume, you can choose different levels of reseller plans. The discount rate is as follows:

Reseller Plan Level Account Management Fee Discount Rate
Level 1 $50 / year 20%
Level 2 $100 / year 25%
Level 3 $200 / year 30%
Level 4 $500 / year 35%
Level 5 $1000 / year 40%
Level 6 $1500 / year 45%

You can find your current discount rate by clicking on the Reseller Plan link, then click on Current Plan.

Q. How to customize my co-branded / white-label website?

You can easily customize your co-branded / white-label website. When you signed up DriveHQ reseller platform, you have selected a website template. You can change to a different template, ideally before you make any other customization changes.

  1. On the Reseller Plan page, you can find your "reseller website address". ( Custom domain website can be setup for white label resellers. ) Click on the reseller website link to go to your reseller website.
  2. On your reseller page, click on Site Admin or Setup Wizard, then click onCustomize Website on the left-hand side.
    • In the Company Information section, enter your company information. You can use default DriveHQ information, or use your own company / personal information.
    • In the Website & Theme section, set the website domain name and features. The Reseller Website domain is shown as You can only change the XXX part, which usually is your company name. DriveHQ offers a lot of features / services. If you don't need all these features / services, you can uncheck theses features.
    • In the Service Description & Website SEO Info section, you can edit the copyright, title, keywords and description for your reseller website.
  3. Click Update to save the settings.
  4. In the Reset Reseller WebSite Configration / Resource section, you can change your reseller website template.
  5. Click Reset All button.

Q. How to customize my co-branded / white-label client software?

You can customize DriveHQ client software with your own logo. After you have finished customization, the system can create a new software installer for your reseller website. The following is an example for customizing DriveHQ File Explorer.

  1. Logon your reseller website, click on Site Admin or Setup Wizard, then click on Customize Software on the left-hand side.
  2. Click Browse to select your own logo image file to replace the DriveHQ client software logo. The image must be in .png format.
  3. Click Upload Logo button to upload the new logo file or click Reset Logo button to re-select the logo image.
  4. Click Update My File Explorer to Latest Version to finish the customization. The new reseller version installer will be created and automatically saved to the software download folder.

Q. How to create / manage my users?

After you have ordered a reseller plan, you will be the site administrator of your reseller website. You can create group accounts whose group administrators can create more sub-users. Users can also visit your Reseller Website and sign up a free account by themselves. Group Account Owner Users and Individual Users can logon your reseller website and order subscription services themselves. As the site administrator, You can manage all your user accounts. Including edit/delete/disable sub-user accounts, logon as a regular user account and order / cancel subscription services for them.

  1. Log on your reseller website with your DriveHQ username / password.
  2. Click on Site Admin or Setup Wizard, then click on User Admin on the left-hand side.
  3. In All Users tab, it lists both group users and individual users. In this page, you can:
    • Create User: Select a service plan and enter the user info to create a group admin user.
    • Activate User: check the check box in front of the user name that you want to activate, and then click on Activate User.
    • Edit User: check the check box in front of the user name that you want to modify, then click on Edit User. In Edit Sub User Information section, you can select the Change username check box, and then enter a new user name. You can fill in more information in Optional Information section. Click Update to save the changes.
    • Reset Password: check the check box in front of the user name, and then click on Reset Password. Enter the new password and confirm it, then click Update to save the changes.
    • Disable User: check the check box in front of the user name that you want to disable, and then click on Disable User. If a user abuses your service (such as publishing a phishing website, sending spam emails, etc.), you can easily disable such user.
    • Enable User: If you have disabled an account, you can re-enable it. Just check the check box in front of the user name that you want to enable, then click on Enable User.
    • Logon As: you can log on the website as your user. Check the check box in front of the user name, and then click on Logon As.
    • Transfer Balance: . You can transfer your cash balance to your user's account. Check the check box in front of the user name, and then click on Transfer. Enter the amount you want to transfer, your password, and your Secure Password, then click on Transfer. You can also change your secure password.
  4. In the Group User Admin tab, you can do all above actions for the group users.
  5. In the Individual User Admin tab, you can do all above actions for individual users except Create User, which can only create group users.

Q. Can I set my own service pricing on my Reseller Website?

Yes. Resellers can set their own service pricing. If you use the same DriveHQ pricing, then your profit margin is proportional to the discount rate. For example, if you order Reseller Plan 6, then your discount rate is 45%. Your gross profit margin is almost 82%!

You can set a higher price than DriveHQ. If your customers are high-end customers, then setting a price higher than DriveHQ service price makes good sense. Otherwise, you can set the price equal to or lower than DriveHQ service price to attract more users.

Q. How to process credit card transactions & billing on my Reseller Website?

Resellers can either process credit card transactions by themselves, or use DriveHQ's transaction & billing system.

If a reseller has his own transaction and billing system, it is recommended using his own system. In this case, the reseller's customers will pay the reseller directly. The reseller can then process the orders / payments on the reseller website for the customers. In doing so, the reseller only needs to pay the discounted reseller price to DriveHQ.

If a reseller doesn't have his own transaction and billing system, then he can use DriveHQ's transaction and billing system. The reseller's customers can pay the listed service price; the payments will be received by DriveHQ. DriveHQ will only charge the discounted reseller price; the remaining amount will be credited to the reseller.

A reseller can open its own merchant account; or use PayPal for payment transactions and billing. Some countries might have their own payment processing systems. In this case, you can use your own local payment processing system.

Q. How can I set my own product / service price?

Log on your reseller website with your DriveHQ username / password; then click Product / Service Price on the left pane, you will see the product / service price table and your discount rate. You can set your own price for each service and then click Submit. Your price should not be less than the Reseller's Discount Price (which can be calculated with the original price and your discount rate.) Your service price minus your discount price is the gross profit you can earn from the service.

Q. How can I check my transaction history and service commissions?

Log on your reseller website with your DriveHQ username / password, then click on Site Admin or Setup Wizard, then click on Commissions. In the Commissions page, you can see all transaction records, the profit of each transaction and current cash balance. If your account balance is positve, you may contact DriveHQ to withdraw the money; if your account balance is negative, it means you should make a payment (i.e. deposit money) to your DriveHQ account.