Publish files


Q. Can a (non-member) guest user access published folders / files?  Top

Yes. No logon is required to access folders published by other DriveHQ members.

Q. Are there any limits on publish?   Top

Yes. To publish folders / files, you must be a Paid Member or True member . The system automatically creates and publishes the folder "PublicFolder" for Paid members and True members. We understand this is inconvenient, but we must make sure that any users who publish files on are Real and Responsible.

To avoid abuse, there is a limit on your bandwidth usage when we believe it is unreasonablly high. In general, you don't need to pay for bandwidth; if your account has a lot activities (including other people accessing your shared/published files), it could run out of bandwidth and your files will no longer be accessible. Bandwidth limit is based on monthly usage and is automatically reset on your billing date, which is the day-of-month when you signed up

Q. How do I change a Publish I created?    Top

You can make changes to existing Publish or delete an existing Publish. Just log on to your own account, click on "PUBLISH" and click on " Manage Publish ". It goes to the "My Shared or Published Folder List" page.

Q. Is there a period of validity for the Publish Link?    Top

No, there isn't a period of validity for Publish Links. However, please note free users cannot publish files / folders.