The Surreal World Bookstore wants to melt your elephant.
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The rating system used is as follows:

5 Melted Elephants: Mind-bogglingly excellent. All that will remain of your elephant will be a bubbling grey liquid.

4 Melted Elephants: Truly remarkable. The eyes looking out from the seething mass which was your elephant will alarm small children.

3 Melted Elephants: Interesting and worthwhile. Your elephant's features will swirl as though the world were the reflection in a glassy lake.

2 Melted Elephants: Has redeeming features. Your elephant will be sticky to the touch.

1 Melted Elephant: Not up to snuff. If you even attempt to test the consistency of your elephant it may trample you or turn away in disgust.

The cosmos

Small World
Through the microscope, or within the human body

Surreal World: Non-Human
Geology, landscapes, and nature

Surreal World: Human Slant
Cultural productions

Politics and everything awful

True Heirs
Marvelous art

Dada and Surreal Sources
Work of Surrealists and their influences

Derangement of the Senses
Madness, dreams, mysticism, intoxication

Algorithmic art and form

 Without a Proper Explanation -
Productions of Children, Animals, Prehistory

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Wahiawa, HI 96786


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