A#1 Oriental Kitchen
    Welcome to a world of fine Szechuan, Hunan and Cantonese cuisine. Our chefs have many years experience cooking authentic Chinese food. Following the tradition of their predecessors they have preserved the tradition of excellence in both food quality and service with a personal touch.
    Our talented, experi...

Open 7 Days A Week

"; $sunHour = mysql_result($chickenresult,0,"openHourMo"); $sunOpen = substr($sunHour, 0, 4); $sunClose = substr($sunHour, 5, 4); echo"Mo ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunOpen))." - ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunClose))."
"; $sunHour = mysql_result($chickenresult,0,"openHourTu"); $sunOpen = substr($sunHour, 0, 4); $sunClose = substr($sunHour, 5, 4); echo"Tu ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunOpen))." - ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunClose))."
"; $sunHour = mysql_result($chickenresult,0,"openHourWe"); $sunOpen = substr($sunHour, 0, 4); $sunClose = substr($sunHour, 5, 4); echo"We ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunOpen))." - ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunClose))."
"; $sunHour = mysql_result($chickenresult,0,"openHourTh"); $sunOpen = substr($sunHour, 0, 4); $sunClose = substr($sunHour, 5, 4); echo"Th ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunOpen))." - ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunClose))."
"; $sunHour = mysql_result($chickenresult,0,"openHourFr"); $sunOpen = substr($sunHour, 0, 4); $sunClose = substr($sunHour, 5, 4); echo"Fr ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunOpen))." - ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunClose))."
"; $sunHour = mysql_result($chickenresult,0,"openHourSa"); $sunOpen = substr($sunHour, 0, 4); $sunClose = substr($sunHour, 5, 4); echo"Sa ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunOpen))." - ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunClose))."
"; ?>

A #1 Oriental Kitchen



With purchase of $6 or more
Delivery to campus from
"; $sunHour = mysql_result($chickenresult,0,"deliveryHourSa"); $sunOpen = substr($sunHour, 0, 4); $sunClose = substr($sunHour, 5, 4); echo"Sa-Su ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunOpen))." - ".date('h:i a', strtotime($sunClose))."
"; ?>

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