=========================================== Scripter Plugin - Script Manager for Eudora -= Manage your messages with scripts =- Version: 1.8 Copyright © 2004 by E-Gadgets =========================================== Contents ======== * Installation Notes * Program Usage * Eudora Quick Templates * Inside the Script * Supported Scripts * Price * Disclaimer of Warranty * Release Date Installation Notes ================== To install and prepare the program please follow these steps: (a) Copy scripter.dll into the "Plugins" directory of Eudora's main data-folder. (b) Copy all the scripts to the "Scripts" directory of Eudora's main data-folder. (c) Start Eudora (d) Select "Special/Message Plugin Settings/Scripter Plugin..." (e) Enter the full paths to the script-interpreters. If you want to use default Windows file-type associations, leave the fields blank by selecting relevant WFA-buttons. (f) Specify the script for all incoming messages or turn this feature off. (e) Hit "Apply". To uninstall the program: (a) Close Eudora. (b) Remove scripter.dll from the "Plugins" directory of Eudora's main data-folder. Program Usage ============= We can run scripts on two occasions: (a) On message arrival To turn "On" this feature and specify the script you want to run "against" all incoming messages, select "Special/Message Plugin Settings/Scripter Plugin..." (b) Per request To run particular script on already downloaded/composed messages, open the message, and select "Edit/Message Plugins/Run Script" (next to a Scriptman icon). Eudora Quick Templates ====================== Beside standard scripts, it is now possible to use Eudora Quick Templates. Eudora Quick Templates are plain text files with "eqt" file name extension. Active templates need to be placed into the "Scripts" folder. Following "macro symbols" apply: %MESSAGE%TEXT% - Message text %QUOTED%MESSAGE%TEXT% - Quoted message text %MESSAGE%HEADERS% - Message headers %MESSAGE%SUBJECT% - Message subject %MESSAGE%SENDER% - Message sender (name and address) %MESSAGE%RECIPIENTS% - Message recipient(s) (name and address) %CURRENT%DATE% - Current date %CURRENT%TIME% - Current time %STATIONERY%[stationery name]% - Stationery by that name. %SIGNATURE%[signature name]% - Signature by that name. Single template can contain more then one stationery and/or signature macro symbol. + Eudora Quick Templates Actions: a) Reply/Reply to All b) Forward c) Redirect d) Send Again $ It is now possible to reply to a message using Eudora Quick Template. For this action select "Edit/Message Plugins/Run Script...", select the eqt-icon file and hit "Reply" button. $ "Proceed" action will apply selected template to the currently opened message. + Edit Template + Save top-level MIME headers, on message arrival. To allow this options just set "SaveTopHeaders" entry, of "OnArrival" section in "scripter.ini" to 1. For example: [OnArrival] SaveTopHeaders=1 If this option is enabled, Scripter will save top-level headers to the file of the same name as message file, with appended "hdr" extension. So if the message file name is "eud123.tmp", message headers file name is "eud123.tmp.hdr". Inside the Script ================= Full path to the message-file is specified as the one and only parameter via command-line. Script interpreter should read/modify/copy/etc. the content of that file. Here are few examples: (a) Visual Basic Scripts (VBS) '------------------ Begin Code Snippet ------------------ Dim MessageFilePath If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then WScript.Echo "Command-line arguments not specified." Else For Each MessageFilePath In WScript.Arguments WScript.Echo "file -----> " & MessageFilePath ' 'read the message content into the buffer and modify it as you wish 'text can be used for quite a lot of other purposes ' 'example follows ' Dim MessageText MessageText = GetFile(MessageFilePath) MessageText = MessageText + vbCrLf + "NEW LINE OF TEXT" WriteFile MessageFilePath, MessageText ' Next End If 'helper functions ----------- Function GetFile(ByVal FileName) Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'go to windows folder if full path not specified If InStr(FileName, ":\") = 0 And Left (FileName,2)<>"\\" Then FileName = FS.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\" & FileName End If On Error Resume Next GetFile = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName).ReadAll End Function Function WriteFile(ByVal FileName, ByVal Contents) Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'On Error Resume Next 'go to windows folder if full path not specified If InStr(FileName, ":\") = 0 And Left (FileName,2)<>"\\" Then FileName = FS.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\" & FileName End If Dim OutStream: Set OutStream = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName, 2, True) OutStream.Write Contents End Function '---------------------------- WScript.Quit (0) '------------------- End Code Snippet ------------------- (b) Tool Command Language (TCL) #------------------ Begin Code Snippet ------------------ set MessageFilePath [lindex $argv 0] # #read the message content into the buffer and modify it as you wish #text can be used for quite a lot of other purposes # #example follows # set MyFileOriginal [open $MessageFilePath r] set MessageText [read $MyFileOriginal] close $MyFileOriginal regsub -all "a" $MessageText "b" $MessageText regsub -all "c" $MessageText "d" $MessageText set MyFileModified [open $MessageFilePath w] puts $MyFileModified "===CHANGED TEXT STARTS HERE" puts -nonewline $MyFileModified $MessageText puts $MyFileModified "===CHANGED TEXT ENDS HERE" close $MyFileModified # #------------------- End Code Snippet ------------------- Supported Scripts ================= Supported scripts are: TCL, PERL, PYTHON & VBS. Price ===== Freeware. Disclaimer of Warranty ====================== This software is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis without warranties of any kind, express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of title, noninfringement merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. I do not warrant that the software will be - uninterrupted, timely, reliable, secure or error-free and expressly disclaim any warranties as to the program contained herewith. Release Date ============ March 17th 2006