Publish Files / Folders

By default, files in your DriveHQ account are secure and private. You cannot link your files from other websites / web pages. Sharing a folder does not create static links to your files / folders. To create static links, you must publish your files / folders.

Please note free members are not allowed to publish files / folders. True members can publish files and folders, however, they cannot publish any executable files or compressed files. A paid member or a sub-user of a paid group account can publish any files and folders. Published URLs are actively monitored. Publishing of any illegal contents may result in your account being disabled immediately without warning.

  1. Navigate through the publishes you have created

  2. Publish a remote folder

  3. Publish a local folder

  4. Edit a Publish

  5. Delete a Publish

  6. Get the Publish URLs

  1. Navigate through the publishes you have created
  2. Publish a remote folder
  3. Publish a local folder
  4. Edit a Publish
  5. Delete a Publish
  6. Get the Publish URLs
  7. You can more efficiently get multiple file / folder publish URLs. Just visit any published folder, select files / folders in it, then right click on the files / folders, select Show Publish URLs. It will open a new dialog as follows:

    To get the publish URLs, please right click on the selected folders / files, then click on Show Publish URL. It pops up a dialog as shown below:

    You can copy the publish URLs into your Windows clipboard and paste them into other applications, such as Notepad, MS Word or any HTML editors.

    The above publish URLs has a pattern of:

    If you want to hide your username and folder name, you can click on the Show Safe URL(s) button, which will change the Publish URLs into a new format as shown below:

    The safe Publish URLs hide the username, publish name, folder name and filename info. So the URL is more secure; moreover, safe URLs are guaranteed not to have any special characters that might affect the validity of a URL. On the other hand, a regular Publish URLs may not work if it has special characters in the folder name / file name, etc.

    Please note when other users visit your published (or shared) folder(s), they will be using your account download bytes. So if you expect a lot of users will access your published folder, please make sure your account has enough download bytes.
