
Active Directory Integration & SSO (Single-Sign-On)

Active Directory enables centralized, secure management of an entire enterprise network. If your enterprise uses Active Directory, DriveHQ cloud system can integrate with it so that your users can access DriveHQ cloud with the same active directory logon credentials. Using our Active Directory Integration Agent Tool, you can batch import AD users to your DriveHQ group account and disable/enable the SSO option.

Active Directory Integration Details

  • Active Directory Integration Agent software

    Simply install the AD Integration Agent Service software on the domain server (or a server joined the AD domain) and log on as a domain admin - the software supports batch user import and SSO logon integration.

  • Group Account Service

    Our group account service already includes many components similar to Active Directory, such as different user roles, sub-groups, contact groups, integrated files and folders, and much more.

  • Do You Need Active Directory Integration Service?

    For organizations with thousands of employees in multiple locations, AD makes system integration far more efficient. The IT department can manage all computers, users, and groups from the central AD server.

  • Adding/Importing/Exporting Users

    System admins can easily batch import users from the Active Directory database into DriveHQ Group Account Service. SSO can be further customized to support other forms of authentication