Assume that at some point in the future a utopia is not impossible. Please answer the following questionnaire giving brief specific answers to the following questions which will help you describe your prescription for that utopia.

An archive of anonymized responses will be available through the link following the questionnaire.Please send your answers [quote the questionnaire questions in your simple text response, please], to:

1] In your Utopia, how are decisions made? Why?  What arrangements are there for change of laws?

2] How should law be enforced?

3] Describe the rights, if any, of animals and the natural world.

4] Describe the mechanism of relations among nations. Please touch on the role and constitution of the military.

5] What is the role of work? And what about the slackers, the misfits, and the unemployable?

6] What safeguards can there be so that Utopia once established does not collapse?

7] What should be the qualifications and living conditions of lawmakers? How can the best people for the job be installed?

8] What are the rules governing information? Please include in your answer at least brief consideration to freedom of speech and its limits, copyright , privacy, and institutional secrecy.

9] Describe the system of education.

10] Even Utopia will not be perfect.How should suffering and crime be dealt with best?

11] Will there be any changes in the use of money? Property?

12] How should public costs be funded? How shall taxes work?

13] Are there any changes in the management of science or art?

14] How do you know it is utopia?

15] What relation exists between religious precepts and law?

6] Describe the ethics of the man or woman in the street in your Utopia.

17] What conditions must be met before utopia can occur?

18] Feel like taking a stab at the new Constitution or Declaration of Independence?

19] List any major specific changes from current law.

An exercise in visualizations of a better world may not be enough. But  this site will archive
your concise anonymized response with those of others who answer. [ 2 answers received 3/02].

  email your answers

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