When I am gone I do not expect to miss me, nice enough though I could consider myself. OK, I understand why nobody loves me. But I have other things to do than be sure of that. Isn't there a connection between understanding and death? Understanding is an enormous grasping hand that clutches at the fringe where reality tatters in a dying wind. Just as my life constitutes one of the fringes of human existence. But there are moments; how beautiful the moments are when the world of pure form prepares for a cadence; when the symbols fall into place and the story is perfected; when the elemental and unchangeable fact that women hate me, that your face is turned away, recedes, and I remember that moving faster than the speed of light, your shadow can't catch up.
        God, family, nation - all have disappointed me. They came out of the woodwork, took what they wanted, and made me tired of noticing things. The universe has not lived up to my expectations. The universe has failed me.
        I'll die - that's an article of faith. I was walking downtown and I noticed a car's bumper sticker that said "Honk if you want to live." Just at that moment the car behind must have seen it too, and started honking; and then other cars in turn until every car in the city was honking, honking, revving their engines till a haze of exhaust rose in the air just as high as me.


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