In pre-urban cultures, the talking animal was considered a real entity and seems to have been accepted as such within virtually all early religious mythologies around the world.
        With the evolution of urban cultures and the development of higher religions with an essentially non-fundamentalist grasp of mythos as symbol, the talking animal ceased to play as active a role in religion, but continued to speak symbolically to adults in fable [eg Aesop].
        As the major religions consolidated and expanded their reach and culture continued to develop, the talking animal spoke just as frequently, but more and more only to children in fairy tales. It still retained its appeal to humanity, its didactic and to an extent mythic function.
        In modern times the talking animal remains with us if in a further state of degeneration in the cartoons which continue to permeate the imaginative lives of children.
        Thus we see, somewhat surprisingly, that in virtually all cultures through the world and through history, including those of the present day, the motif of the talking animal has had a place much more prominent and ubiquitous than seems entirely intuitively reasonable.


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