The melting of html must be done without hesitation, for once the html realizes what you are trying to do to it, it fights like a cornered elephant.

Clicking here will only transport you to a welcome mat rotating tirelessly in space.

Clicking here will answer the immortal question: Can poetry make one carsick?

Spectrum Feedback Page
When you resize your page you will produce different feedback spectrum patterns between the colors of letters on the page.The letters within a single line of the text are always rainbow segments. If you resize your window or font size/style so that each text line contains nearly exactly one spectrum series - for example red orange yellow green blue purple red again- The next line down wil lhave the same pattern in *almost* the same place, and so on for the next line and the next. Thus you'll see "hallucinated" or moire-like near-vertical bands of spectrum color, with the vertical angle depending on how close to an exact multiple of one spectrum series you are. Hint: works better with small font.The page is optimized on my computer for Netscape 800x600, using fonts specified in my html.
[Please select the above paragraph with your web browser to make it readable.]


Netscape enhanced



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