Solar Eclipses |  | My Astrophotographs |  |
Information on our trips to see most of the total solar eclipses since 1999 (for Lunar Eclipses, click on My Astrophotographs then Moon).
| Pictures of all the planets, plus asteroids, comets and artificial satellites, taken with my reflector telescope using a web-cam and with a digital camera. |
Transits of Mercury |  | Transit of Venus |  |
Images taken by myself during the 7th May 2003, 9th May 2016 & 11th November 2019 transits of Mercury and the 8th June 2004 transit of Venus.
Mars Sky |  | Mars Surface |  |
Some of the best pictures from the Mars Pathfinder mission of July and August 1997 - remember that one?
Planetary |  | Polar Lander |  |
The Planetary gallery, mainly taken from NASA open-access sources, shows a number of famous images plus montages of the major planets. | Click here to see my involvement in space! Not quite the same as being there, but fun nonetheless. |